November has been a good month awards wise. I won second place in the Towergate Fine Art competition, a prestigious international event in the photographic art world, with my Holga picture of Prague. This is actually taken on a toy camera, famed for its soft low contrast images. I love using it and the unpredictability of the results. A trip to London was had and opportunity taken for some more Holga pictures which I still need to get to the lab - the downside of film!
And here's me (on the left) receiving my award from Paul Dyer of Towergate.

The North West region of the British Institute of Professional Photography held its annual print competition where I picked up second place in the commercial section. It's been a month of second places but I'm more than happy. It's an industrial picture this time, on a site where I've been taking demolition progress photos. I saw these twisted and rusted steel beams and instantly knew there was a picture to be had.

Fantastic James. Congratulations!