Saturday 20 February 2010

Picture of the Week - Travel Guides

Several national newspapers have used this photo of mine in their travel sections. I begged and borrowed some more guide books to add to my own and built them to look like they're tumbling out of the rucksack. I chose a plain white background for simplicity and to concentrate attention on the books themselves.

Time to book a holiday?

Sunday 14 February 2010

Picture of the Week - Vauxhall Bridge

The low winter sun and crisp clean air can make for wonderful photographs. I caught the sun shining through Vauxhall Bridge the other week creating this gorgeous golden glow. The Edwardian bridge contrasts with the extraordinary apartments behind, while the gold of the arches and the green of the glass work together well.

Sunday 7 February 2010

Picture of the Week - Cookie Cutters

This photograph was taken for a catering client who wanted to show how he was taking on the ‘big boys’ of the industry, hence one small cutter and the rest large. I created a repeating pattern with the cutters to give recession to the image and toned it blue, which fitted well with the metallic nature of the products.

Tuesday 2 February 2010

Picture of the Week - Winter Mist

Well the snow’s come back, so it seems appropriate to show you this picture taken at Teggs Nose Country Park just outside Macclesfield. Mist and fog can add loads of atmosphere to a photo and I loved the conditions as I was taking this image, with the tops of the trees just making themselves visible. The soft pink in the sky added a touch of warmth and colour to this cold and otherwise monochromatic scene.

Professional Photographer of the Year Awards

January ended on a good note when I attended the Professional Photographer of the Year Awards at the Sustain Studio in London. I was delighted to win the Advertising category with my Audi R8 shot. Everyone asks whether that was the prize - sadly not!

Here is me receiving my award from Grant Scott, editor of Professional Photograper magazine. Photo courtesy of Marcus Dawes.

And I like this arty shot taken by fellow photographer and shortlisted finalist, Mark Pugh.