Sunday 25 July 2010

Picture of the Week - Havana

Havana, Cuba is a wonderful place if, like me, you're drawn to faded architectural glories and old motors. This picture takes your eye through the speeding rickshaw to the iconic black car and grand hotel facade. I had two choices: get the exposure right first time to capture enough movement without losing the rickshaw itself, or wait for the next rickshaw.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Picture of the Week - What about us?

These two beautiful King Charles spaniels had been excluded from a wedding I was photographing and looked somewhat forlorn as they poked their noses under the gate to see what was going on. Lying on the ground to get to their level, I got the shot which also won me an award in the pets category at the North West British Institute of Professional Photography Awards, an unusual category for a commercial photographer. Worth the trip to the dry cleaners with my suit as well!